December 22, 2013

daisy and the vacuum cleaner.

Well, HI. I was having ENORMOUS trouble with deciding what to make for my parents this year. Finally, I decided that I would make my mom a tote, and make my dad some lavender soap so that he can learn the true meaning of "vacation" and "relaxation". (read this if you have no clue what I'm talking about)
For Thanksgiving, The New York Times published an article (I was going to link this but of course I can't find the article) that the worst gift to give someone was a vacuum cleaner. My dad hadn't read the article, and for Thanksgiving, he got my mom a tiny personalized vacuum cleaner for her closet-room. It's now a big joke a in the family that he'll get my mom a customized bag so that she can store the vacuum cleaner someplace.
Last Sunday (I think I forgot to tell you about this), my best friend Ella and I went to some sort of fashion shows. My mom used to be a fashion designer, and her mom is a fashion designer, so I guess it was kind of fitting. Anyways, I was really impressed by this guy, and his main inspirations were corsets (can you believe that?!). It doesn't show in these two dresses, which I posted below, but I thought they were really cool and certainly on the unique side. (Oooh- and the statuettes had heels with little Eiffel Towers!)

I still don't really know why I named this post "daisy and the vacuum cleaner".

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Thanks,for your lovely comment
on my blog.^^
Of course we can follow each other.
Do you start with the follow???
Lovely greets Nessa