December 29, 2013

well. it's almost new year's eve, right?

Hello everybody! I do know that I've been missing utterly around here for three days and that I have absolutely no excuse except that I was being a bit lazy. Well, anyways, that's beyond the point. Here is the real focus: it's almost New Year's Eve (the life of parties)!
Source: Tumblr (unknown specifically)
I collected an enormous stack of pictures from Tumblr, and then picked my five favorites. I decided to explain the pictures, since some of them make little sense in the theme of "New Year's Eve":
1. When I look at the picture, I feel like the girl is lonely and confused, but there is still this sense of freedom about her that I love. Sometimes, I feel like that's me.
2. I'll say it outright: I'm frustrated very often. I always feel like taking a random piece of paper and practically  tearing it up. This picture shows that perfectly: the empty grayness that comes with feeling frustrated. One of my New Year's resolutions is to try and use my fluster in different ways.
3. Just because it looks exactly like today: pouring rain, and really gray, with the only color being a measly umbrella.
4. This cat is so beautiful, don't you think? My New Year's wish is that absolutely every animal on the planet will not have to live through torture and hunger and all those awful things.
5. A lot about the new year is learning to be you, I guess. And it's beautiful. This picture was perfect.


Mimi said...

Haha, I that frustration one is so perfect!

slwilson said...

So inspiring <3 I love your explanation for using the first image